Useful Contacts for the Police and Partner Agencies.
Not all crimes are investigated by the Police.
Below is a list of Partner Agencies that may be more suitable to contact in the first instance.
Your local Neighbourhood Policing team is:
The Loughton Park Neighbourhood team.
Inspector Lee Brace (North NHPT)
Sergeant Kate Story
PC Steve Prestige
PCSO Chrissie Capstick
PCSO Poppy Groves
Thames Valley Police contact methods:
999: Crime in progress/Emergency
101: Reporting crime/ incidents
Email: – Email to be addressed to “Loughton Park area Neighbourhood Police Team” (non-emergency only)
Twitter: MK
TVP Alert:
MKC Environmental Crime Unit – Pete Roberts & Shaun Grieg. Tel: 01908 254566
Issues with Fly Tipping, environmental crime, scrap metal offences, unauthorised encampments, littering & much more.
MKC Environmental Health Department-
Tel: 01908 252398
Issues with: Dogs barking, parties, neighbours, entertainments, abandoned vehicles etc.
Trading Standards-
Duty Officer Tel: 01908 252504 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Rapid Response Tel: 07765 246 697 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
MKC Road safety officer –
David Frost. Tel: 01908 252572
MKC Community Engagement Manager, Highways –
Penny Fletcher
Switchboard: 01908 691691
Issues with: Schools parking, Community Speed Watch & much more.
MKC Housing ASB Team-
01908 252937 (option 4)
Issues with:
- Nuisance associated with selling of drugs, Acts of harassment, racist behaviour, language or graffiti. Acts of threats of discrimination, Using or threatening to use violence, graffiti or literature that is threatening, abusive, racist or insulting.
- Sending communication that is threatening, abusive, racist or insulting.
Citizens Advice Bureau Milton Keynes-
Tel: 01908 604475 (Monday to Friday) General Advice: - 03454 040506 For free, impartial and confidential advice.
Issues with: Community & Neighbourhood mediation, Debt and Money, Consumer issues, Housing, Family, Law & Courts etc.
Action Fraud-
0300 1232040
Animal Welfare: -
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)