Our School
Welcome to Christ the Sower Ecumenical Primary School.
Our school is committed to providing an excellent standard of education for all students allowing each individual to achieve their full potential regardless of prior attainment. Our Christian vision:
'Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where seeds flourish and roots grow'
is taken from the Parable of The Sower (Mark 4: 3-9) and is the principle that underpins our work with our students, to support them to grow and develop into young people who can lead lives of value.
Christ the Sower is a one-form entry school with around 300 pupils on roll, aged from 3 to 11 years old. We are located at Grange Farm, in the city of Milton Keynes.
At CTS, we have a Christian character and everything we do is underpinned by our values and CARE ethos. The well-being of each child is central to the philosophy of our school. Children are encouraged to cooperate with one another, respect diversity and treat each other as equals.
Together 'Team CTS' provides the highest standards of pastoral care for our children, ensuring that they feel safe and secure, supported and valued. Your child's welfare will always be our absolute priority. Together we strive for the best educational outcomes for your son or daughter; we also go that extra mile to ensure that their primary school experience is filled with enrichment, enjoyment and encouragement.
Our most valuable asset is our talented and dedicated team of highly qualified teaching and support staff. They will provide care, guidance, support and inspiration to all our students in a learning environment, characterised by high standards of behaviour and mutual respect.
We deliver an ambitious, exciting and challenging curriculum, written expressly for our children, by our teachers. Through outstanding and enthusiastic teaching, we empower children to lead their learning, so that they become motivated and independent thinkers.
We are passionate about equipping our pupils with the skills they need to grow up in an ever-changing world and to develop learning attitudes that will stay with them for life.
You are welcome to contact us if you require further information about our excellent school.